Dürer sure is pixelated!

Sofie Bird Møller

9 Nov 17 — 25 Jan 18

Billboard at Lenbachplatz

Frontal view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz. The motif shows a black and white reproduction of Albrecht Dürer's "Self-Portrait in a Fur Coat" pixelated in large squares.

Dürer sure is pixelated!, 2017 © Foto: Sofie Bird Møller

In “Dürer sure is pixelated”, Sofie Bird Møller transformes Albrecht Dürer’s famous self-portrait into large pixels, playing a kind of hide-and-seek game with the original.

In her work, Sofie Bird Møller refers to the famous painting “Self Portrait in Fur Coat” by Albrecht Dürer from the year 1500. The motif was converted into rough pixels. You would more or less guess the self-portrait from afar, yet the nearer you get to the work, the more the motif dissolves into grey-coloured squares and the self-portrait disappears. The motif is anonymised by pixelization.

Vice versa, the recognisability of the picture underlines the potential to exploit iconographic masterpieces. The work furthermore tackles the field of tension between the original and the reproduction in the depiction of the collective memory. Those who have not seen the original in the museum only know the self-portrait from the internet in pixelized form and in any particular size anyhow.

Sofie Bird Møller, born in 1974 in Høie Taastrup, Denmark, lives and works in Munich and Berlin.

Diagonal view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz. The motif shows a black-and-white reproduction of Albrecht Dürer's "Self-Portrait in a Fur Coat" in negative, pixelated in large squares.
Dürer sure is pixelated!, 2017 © Foto: Sofie Bird Møller
Frontal view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz. The motif shows a black and white reproduction of Albrecht Dürer's "Self-Portrait in a Fur Coat" pixelated in large squares.
Dürer sure is pixelated!, 2017 © Foto: Sofie Bird Møller


Billboard at Lenbachplatz

80333 München
