Photograph of the criminal justice centre on Nymphenburger Straße. You can see the grey exposed concrete building from the 1970s and the road junction in front of the building.

VerhandelBar - Including the public, 2024 © Foto: Fritz Bielmeier

Mapping Walk

Westend I, finding and exploring vacant properties and their potential

What vacant properties are there in Munich? What plans exist? Where are the opportunities and potentials in Munich’s urban space that are waiting to be activated? In the city of Munich, too, numerous buildings are vacant and areas remain unused. Demolition and new construction are the predominant strategies of the property industry. Conversion and neighbourhood-oriented activation are sustainable alternatives. We want to explore ways and possibilities for public welfare-orientated alternatives to demolition together. All Munich residents are invited to take part in various walks to prominent demolition candidates or long-term vacant properties to reorient their view of the city and contribute to the public discourse on the handling and possible conversion, maintenance and preservation of Munich’s building culture.

Walking and speculating in the Westend

Off to the Westend! Based on the concept of a scavenger hunt, we will move through the Westend in small groups in search of potential vacancies, unused brownfield sites and candidates for demolition, but also stories, rumours and curiosities from the district.

As we move through the neighbourhood, we get to know the Westend and its residents, needs and built potential better. Targeted questions and tasks provide impetus for new experiences, observations and exchanges among the participants and neighbourhood residents on the topics of life in the neighbourhood, appreciation and preservation of existing buildings, participation in planning processes, appropriation of space, etc.

Together we will observe, photograph, touch, describe and map specific demolition candidates and then share our experiences over a cold drink in order to discuss and speculate.

The results of the walk will be documented afterwards and will serve as a basis for imagining alternative futures for the obsolete urban building blocks and their significance for the surrounding neighbourhood in the follow-up event (on 19 September).

The walks can be attended individually, so participation in the first walk is not a prerequisite.

The mapping walks are organised in cooperation with the Hans Sauer Stiftung as part of a planned citizen science project. The results of the walks will contribute to the content and methodological concept of the project. The project focusses on the topic of vacancy detection and the activation of vacancies for the common good.

Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Westend, meeting point in front of the Auferstehungskirche, Gollierstraße 55
