
Ayzit Bostan

18 Mar — 3 Jun 19

Billboard at Lenbachplatz

Image of the Lenbachplatz with the billboard in the middle, the row of houses on the right and a passing tram on the left. The motif is composed of a mirror with a large "I" and a cloud printed on it. The surroundings are reflected in the billboard.

Blau, 2019 © Foto: Fabian Frinzel

Munich-based designer Ayzit Bostan creates playful, associative cloud formations for the billboard at Lenbachplatz.

One side shows a freehand drawing in the form of a beer mug with the cloud that represents the head. The reverse side is a mirror with a large “I” and a cloud printed on it.

The two sides of the billboard show the same motif of the cloud in different contexts, so that the content becomes something else. On the one side, it functions as a head of beer and therefore makes a connection to Munich and the beer culture that is alive and well here. On the other side, the generally recognised symbol of “I ♥ NY” is transformed into “I ☁”. In the mirror on which the motif is printed, the sky and clouds are reflected above the city. They can therefore reform themselves again and again with the printed cloud and produce an ever-changing, poetic picture.

Time and again, Ayzit Bostan integrates existing symbols of pop culture into her work and transfers them into new contexts using clear and radical interventions. Iconic symbols are deconstructed and condensed, without losing a definite statement. In this way, they aesthetically question our viewing habits, whereby playful elements and humour are never lacking in Ayzit Bostan’s work.

Ayzit Bostan, born in 1968 in Ankara, lives and works in Munich.

Frontal view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz. The motif shows a hand drawing in the shape of a beer mug with a cloud representing the foam on a blue background.
Blau, 2019 © Foto: Fabian Frinzel
Frontal view of the billboard at Lenbachplatz. The motif is composed of a mirror with a large "I" and a cloud printed on it. The sky and surrounding trees are reflected in the billboard.
Blau, 2019 © Foto: Fabian Frinzel


Billboard at Lenbachplatz

80333 München
